27th March (Confessional Poem)

the shirt that you had gifted…the light purple check shirt…I don’t wear that a’more…

the tee that you had gifted…red in color…which you had put on my naked body–

on my birthday…I don’t wore that a’more…then there’re a black tee, a white shirt…

I don’t wore any of them…how can I…all of them carry the memories of yours…

carry the evenings when in excuse of trying them on you took off what I was wearing–

and then after making love you put them on…how can I wore them….

the mobile that you had gifted I, though, use till now…s’times I post my blog using it…

s’times when I get angry on you…or when you memory titillated me–specially when–

I think the lips that I used to kiss and that shall belong to me; the body that I used to–

adore, that I used kiss all over–are now s’one else…s’one else touch those lips, —

s’one else now adore the soft skin…yes, it’s hurt…that’s why the screen of the phone now–

has a scar, a hair line one, on it…after I had threw it in a moment of over-agony…

today’s date…another thing that I want to forget…that I wish shouldn’t had happened…

I think I’m the only one cling to that memory…that late spring eve, when we had kissed–

at the foot of the equestrian statue of Colonel Outram at Victoria Memorial…two years ago…

this memory and lots more haunts me…pushes me…

the shirts are now a crumple piece of cloth shove at the corner of the almirah…

the phone…I wish could get lost…or could get out of service beyond repair…

the memories are the only one that I can’t throw away…do you remember me…

do you recollect me…our moments of love…do you ever thought of calling me…

didn’t you thought of ever giving our, not me, relationship a chance…

didn’t you ever thought of returning to me…

#A’more is anymore and s’times is sometimes

Daily Prompt: Purple

8 responses to “27th March (Confessional Poem)”

  1. Loved the way you expressed your emotions…can relate to them


    1. dhanyabaad…oi j bollam trick…ekta halka Haiku post korlm..

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So good, Loved the way you formed memories using words. Amazing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the appreciation..

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Amazing! The expressions were so heartfelt. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! I love this!! So genuine and emotional. Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

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