The Echo of the Vale (Haibun)

The moon for long is curtain by the clouds. Its glow can be though feel as an outline for the clouds. The travellers speed up their movements. They has heard of some unnatural phenomenon going for a last couple of months. Did you hear that…one ask another in shaken whisper voice. Another nod his head in negative.

she look at them from

distance she like one tonight

but moon will be full 

The moon suddenly come out of the clouds. The field becomes white; the trees there cast a long shadow. She looks behind hearing a noise. The hunter has been on her for last few days. She needs to be careful more than she was last full moon. She felt a usurp inside her. She knows it has begun. She ran to the deep in the forest.

vale echo her howl two

travellers forget path

hunter fail to aim 


Tried a Haibun for the first time. Let me know your comment and reviews. 

Daily Prompt: Unravel

A-Z Challenge Letter J

Tried an Haibun. A new Journey I taken on.

21 responses to “The Echo of the Vale (Haibun)”

  1. I like this turn of phrase, very much:
    “shaken whisper voice”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for coming by and reading and commenting on it.


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