Wish You’re Here…


The nights are windy here. The coldness that engulf me now is not the temperature

of here. It is of your absence. The only thing that keeping me warm is your presence

in memories. I can smell the perfume of yours, though musty but still I can sense

you. I miss those nights when you used to lay on my bosom and let the air splash hair–

strands or locks–of yours on me. Oh, I miss you right now that I can stole a plane and

fly to you. I wish not the gun, not my fellow soldiers,but, you’re with me in this turmoiled

peaceful night. I long for you, I long your presence…I miss you and wish you’re here…

De aka Whimsygizmo wants us to write a postcard poem for D’Verse Poetics Tuesday. So, here’s mine sort of reply to my dear Blogger Friend Stardust’s Wish You Were Here.

A-Z Challenge Letter P for Pray…P for Passion…P for Post Card Poem

41 responses to “Wish You’re Here…”

  1. Such a lovely piece, Sangbad!


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